Heel spur, plantar fascia
If you have ever suffered from plantar issue, plantar fascitis, spurs, inflamed tendons on the feet, you know exactly how painful and mood killer it can be.
Read my article and find out the reasons, the whys and the possible solutions. :)
Between most periostea and their associated bones lie many osteoblasts ("bone-building" cells). These cells are constantly cleaning and rebuilding the outer surface of the bone and programmed with a simple commandment: thou shalt fill in the bag of the perioesteum.
Clients who create repetitive strain in the plantar fascia are likely to create plantar fascitis anywhere along the plantar surface where is tears and inflames. If instead the periosteum of the calcaneus gives way and comes away from the bone, then the osteoblasts will fill in the gap under the periosteum, creating bone spur. This process is not inherentely painful, the pain comes if the spur interferes with a nerve, as a heel spur often does.
The fasciae do not just attaches to the heel bone and stop. They actually attach to the collagenous covering of the calcaneus, the periosteum, which surrounds the bone like a tough plastic wrapping.
If we follow the periosteum around the calcaneus, especially underneath it around the heel to the posterior surface (following a thick and continuous band of fascia), we find ourselves at the beginning of the next long stretch of track that starts with the Achilles tendon.
So what shall we do to keep this area elastic, strong, healthy and painless? STRETCHING is the most obvious matter we can practise. You do not need any special equipment, just grab a tennis ball (if you have a fascia ball, go and get it) and roll your feet on it as you can see it in the video.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact me. :)